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Advanced Labyrinth Lord Pdf Download 4plebs Site Archive.4plebs.org

No title
How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

In the rules department, you can look at http://www.4chan.org/rules - all global and board specific rules are in full effect. Apart from that, only two rules are important.


Quest threads
Thamdarul Gate
Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

The bane of Male Human Swordsmen
Full plate
Oh no! We're facing down foes covered from head to foot in 2mm steel plating! Our human wielded swords can not cut through such armor, a slash will only be deflected. While they can kill us with their weaponry.

We are DOOMED!

No title
>Oh boy, it's druid!
>Nobody's favorite class!
No title
>so you're all camped out for the night while traveling, what are you all doing? Any conversations, stories, interactions between characters?
>I guess you all go to sleep... And a monster attacks the next day or something
Were dnd players always like this?
/5eg/ - Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition General
Big Metal Unit Edition

>UA: Travelers of the Multiverse


The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!):


>Previous thread: >>82412192

Why do D&D players hate magitek?

PDF Share Thread
Da FAQ 2021-11-21
It's Da PDF Share Thread!
Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!

<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Request, share, stay awesome!

Previous thread:

More threads:

* We're NOT affiliated with thetrove<dot>is, and CANNOT help with inquiries regarding that site.

Jumpchain CYOA Thread #4808: COMPLETE. GLOBAL. EDITION.:
Jumpchain OP
>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread

No title
>OP starts thread explaining how wh40k is setting for child adults and retards
>/tg/ starts furiously discussing lore with unforgiveness to any mistakes
>/tg/ is full of retards and child adults
Frog posting is not even a joke anymore.
EDH - /edhg/ - Commander General

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

>Thread Question:
what is your favorite none game winning combo?

Using established characters in your games
So I know people like playing in their favorite medias adapted to tabletop. My question is this, you know their stories and how they work in canon. Do you just derail and make your own internal canon, killing off "important" characters as you see fit, or do you try to make the game work with context?
For example, in modiphius games you can play star trek without ever meeting Picard or Kirk, or Conan without ever meeting Conan. You can have them meet, but you gotta decide then and there how consitent you want your game with regards to events in canon.

Of course these are just singular people. If you were to play in Runeterra its almost likely you'll feel the influence of terrorists like Jinx in Piltover, or Gangplank in Bilgewater. Or any of the authority figures in the various regions of runeterra(Ashe/Sejuani/Lissandra, Swain/Darius/Leblanc to name a few).
Same thing for I guess important characters from say Marvel/DC(doesn't work as well since multiverse), or whatever your favorite MMO is. Do you allow your characters to seek out and maybe kill these people? Do you give them a pseudo plot armor?

/40krpg/ Warhammer 40k Roleplay General
We actually have a title this time Edition

Previous Thread: >>82348275

>All FFG 40kRPG Books

>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database

>Offline Combined Armory (v6.48.161023)

>Curated youtube playlists

>Make your maps look just like FFGs

>Wrath and Glory errata (2021):

>FFG Forum Archive:

>Homebrew Collection (October 2021)

Thread Question: What's the biggest mistake you ever made in a game and what were the consequences?

filename thread
Local DM comments on his parties problem sovling skill
filename thread
/chess/ - Chess General
London Chess Classic edition

>Official website:

>Free online playing:

>Tactics trainers:

>Explore openings:

>Chess books:

>Masters games, tournaments calendars, live & results:

>Join our teams:

>Previous threads:

No title
Why does /tg/ hates magitech so much ?
The Paladin Steed
So, one of the coolest yet least-used powers that a Paladin has is to summon a steed he can ride. The thing is, there's usually very little reason to use the steed (unless you're specc'd for mounted combat) and it's not much use in a dungeon, to the point that Pathfinder offers the much-more-useful Weapon Bond as an alternative.
It also kind of sucks that (unless I badly misread it) you're stuck with a heavy warhorse, you can't get anything more exotic like a griffon or some kind of mechanical steed.
Has anyone actually used the Paladin steed much? I recall a story where a very powerful Paladin rode an Inevitable into combat, and the live-action toku series GARO makes the mount a super-powerful mechanical horse (see the attached image.)
No title
Slaanesh Spawn edition

>Resources (Rules, lore, and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay)

>Warhammer Wikis

>Alternative Models (WiP)

>Warhammer Video Games

Previous Thread:>>82407932

Is there a way to marry a genuinely fleshed out playable-race goblin society with the "monster manual" goblin that's just a worthless loot bag for level 1 adventurers? Like a society built on deep-seated insecurity of being seen as weak or worthless.
Lewd RPG Thread
Lizardman and captive
Following up from >>81640528 >>81496300 >>82056407 >>82141082 and >>82291627 #

This thread is for discussing and sharing lewd RPGs. Every so often an anon will share something they've cooked up to scratch certain itches, but those threads get lost in the noise of cheesecake threads.
Monthly threads were one idea, but the thread hit post limit pretty fast! We still need permalinks for some of the files here.

Post about your experiences with lewd RPGs, homebrews for normal systems, the game you're working on and so on. After-session ERP that doesn't actually involve an RPG beyond scene-setting doesn't qualify.

>latest versions of lewd games
Realms of Lewdia: https://mega.nz/folder/B111GSRD#Om0149tC47TTUkUPpGpOfQ
Lewd Attack: https://mega.nz/folder/CbhQnQyB#Xn-0F9OVyr_SHQ2s7rDhmQ
Labyrinthus: https://mega.nz/folder/kB0h0ACZ#a67GWGpSmfaPyuIK77eL_w
Boob Plate: >>77387579
VTM Succubus: >>81617284
Exorifts: >>81641928
Succubus & Sorcerer: >>81548974, >>81575126, >>81588851
>other games
Tentacle Labyrinth: https://eesc.fandom.com/wiki/Tentacle_Labyrinth
Zettai Reido: >>81731181
>/mgw/ OP (monstergirl related materials)
Pathfinder 2e: >>82082595
Mixed, mostly 3.pf: https://mega.nz/folder/IRMTzbhC#cAzGdWFT53xMjg1wJZGcZw

/mtg/ - Magic: The Gathering General
Godless Edition



>What is EDH?

>Current meta, complete with deck list
>Build and share casual decks

>Build and share cubes

>Search engines
>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
>Play online for free


Post cards that make you question God's existence.

/dcg/ - Digimon Card Game General #68
Talk to the Hand Edition

Previous: >>82313628

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

Holiday Gift Box/Classic Collection info:
BT6/ST7/ST8 Info, cardlists, etc.:
Tournament Pack Vol 3. Details:
EX-01 Errata:
EX-01 Rules Q&A:
Store Championship Round 2 Details:

What deck would you build using only <01> cards? (BT6, BT7, BT8, EX1-2, ST7-11) Bonus points for posting lists!!

No title
Logically speaking, humans and ratfolk make for natural symbiotic allies. Humans create large filthy cities filled with expansive sewer networks, perfect for ratfolk to live in. Ratfolk likewise are able to maintain the sewer infrastructure and make use of the immense amounts of garbage that humans discard for their own purposes, consuming much of what is thrown away as waste. Our two species were meant to live amongst each other.
/gwsg/【Games Workshop Specialist Games General】
Extremely Generic Edition

>Previous Thread:

Blood Bowl, Necromunda, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Warcry, Epic, Warmaster, Underworlds, Aeronautica, Mordheim, Titanicus, Battlefleet Gothic, Man-o-War, Warhammer Quest, and any other GW system and boardgame are welcome.

There is currently a Kill Team General >>>/tg/ktg. Highly recommend to discuss Kill Team there until the dust settles.

>We are working on a mega archive with the rulebooks for the boxed and specialist games (don't share).
>Drop any missing files you might have here:
>Current MESBG rules:
>you know what to put/folder/yDBmCRRK#kI26Bcw-9vgxOnQICVbpsA
>Old links:

What's your current project?

/osrg/ - Old School Renaissance General
Welcome to the Old School Renaissance General, the thread dedicated to TSR-era D&D, derived systems, and compatible content.

Broadly, OSR games encourage a tonal and mechanical fidelity to Dungeons & Dragons as played in the game's first decade - less emphasis on linear adventures and overarching meta-plots and a greater emphasis on player agency.

If you are new to the OSR, welcome! Ask us whatever you're curious about. We'll be happy to help you get started on this playstyle.

>Troves, Resources, Blogs, etc:

>Need a starter dungeon? Here's a curated collection:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
What's the worst magical disaster you've ever been witness to? Fireball into a 10'x10' room? Wish gone awry? Wand of Wonder at the worst moment? Tell us of your horror and shame.

Be honest, how is your current campaign going?
Royal Christmas edition

Previous thread:>>82341121

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames. The >>>/tg/hwg doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to very specific games. This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames.
Any scale, any genre, any company, any minis. Skirmishers welcome. Rules designers welcome.

>Examples of games that qualify
OnePageRules, Mighty Armies, Warmachine & Hordes, Dragon Rampant, Oathamark, Mortal Gods, Kings of War, Deadzone, Warpath, Frost/Stargrave, Hordes of the Things, Conquest, Songs of Blades and Heroes, Dark Age, Beyond the Gates of Antares. Malifaux and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

>Places to get minis

>The Novice Troves

>December Challenge: Paint something you got as a present (even if you bought them for yourself). Happy Holidays.
>Thread Question: What is the best /awg/ present you've ever got?

No title
Why does every half human get their human ancestry from their mother?
Why aren't there more crazy bastards knocking up demon girls or elves?
/btg/ - BattleTech General
The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Peace of Blake be with you edition

Last thread: >>82405714

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions?

>Sarna.net - BattleTech Wiki

>How do I find out which BattleMechs a faction has?
>Xotl's Faction Random Access Tables (June 2021 update)

Unit Designing Softwares
>SSW Mech Designer
>SSW GitHub Updates
>MegaMek Lab

>Megamek - computer version of BT. Play with AI or other players

>How to do Against the Bot? (updated 9-1-2020)
(Current 3.21 rule set included in mekhq package)

>Rookie guides

>BattleTech IRC
#battletech on irc.rizon.net

>PDF Folders
rebrand ly / BattleTech
rebrand ly / BTmags
rebrand ly / BTdrop

>2018 to 2020 Battletech PDFs & E-Books

>DropShip Thunder

/btg/'s own image board:

More goodies! Updated 2020-05-17

>Most Wanted PDFs & Epubs

No title
I would sooner allow an entire party of children than one wheelchair user. Post fantasy art of cute kids.
/cyoag/ - Choose Your Own Adventure General
Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu
AllSync: https://cyoaarchive.com/main
Previous Thread >>82372613
No title
>join a new D&D game in the DMs previously established setting
>playing a cleric of the not!Catholic Church
>all going pretty well until the DM introduces the not!Pope who he describes as "a cute, brown-skinned 11 year old girl"
>she is just literally an 11 year old girl who acts all childish but she also has magical god powers
>later it turns out the secret underground vampire cult we're fighting is ALSO led by a preteen girl
>but this one is undead and immortal and actually 1000s of years old
Should I quit the game? I feel a little skeeved out by all of this. Like we're just there so the DM can act out his anime loli catfight fetishes.
/CofDg/&/WoDg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
bean sidhe
Headless Edition

>>Previous Thread
>General Creation Kit
> White Wolf Wiki:
> OWOD/COFD Forums:

Where to buy what you need (Check all links for full selection):
> White Wolf Catalogue:
> Onyx Path Publishing Catalogue:
> Fan-made Stuff

>Thread Question
How rigidly do you stick with the core themes of WoD/CofD games? Do you try to recreate the mood of the books, or do you just use the rules and setting to run your own style of game instead?

No title
tell me about your vampires anons
are they alive but sick, or undead?
what other undead think about them?
are all vampires evil/good or not?
Horus Heresy General - /hhg/ & /atg/
Dog Water edition
Transfer sheets subedition.

Previous Heresy: >> 82381230

>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>Thread FAQ (suggestion)
>Erratas and extra downloads
>Rules and stuff for HH and Titanicus
HH: mega<dot>nz<slash>folder/3wwGVTjZ#zwjoK0nSZ2Kzin6mJ0dV1w
Audiobooks: mega<dot>nz<slash>folder<slash>yM1yWIba#ETw9ELPJmEScSrM9WwjRCw

/Adeptus Titanicus Zone/
>Rules and supplements
AT: mega<dot>nz<slash>folder/Csgk2ZTR#3vRK4eXP5ovbyM_TSL0tWA
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

/wbg/ - Worldbuilding General
Race edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion of in-progress settings for traditional games.

Here is where you go to present and develop the details of your worlds such as lore, factions, magic and ecosystems. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art (either created by you or used as inspiration for your work). Please remember that discussion is what keeps the thread alive, not dumping walls of text.

Previous thread: >>82333064

Resources for Newfags: https://sites.google.com/view/wbgeneral/
Worldbuilding links: https://pastebin.com/JNnj79S5

Have you designed any non-standard races for your setting?
>What do they look like/how do they typically behave?
>What do their communities look like? What kind of environment are they best suited to?
>How do other races interact with them? How are they perceived?
>Do they have any history of note? How did they end up in your setting?
>What are their racial traits/ASIs?
>Which class(es) best suits your race(s)?

No title
Tewkesbury Old Rules are in effect. I shouldn't have to tell you that means no parallel shunting unless you are doubly in cleek.

Stamford Brook.

Paizo Games General /pgg/

Rough Rider Edition

/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
/p2g/ (pathfinder 2e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/1zySxwm3
/sfg/ (starfinder) link repository: https://pastebin.com/5yp9s2U3
/3eg/ (D&D 3.X) link repository: https://pastebin.com/VMRsxB2m

The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!):

Previous thread: >>82330694

TQ: Doea your character have a mount?

WIP - Work In Progress General
Work in Progress - "Everybody's Workin' For The Weekend" Edition

>WIP Condensed OP Pastebin

>Friendly Anon's Updated Pastebin

>Large Miniatures Picture Collection:

>Grimdark Compendium tutorials

>Making some awesome banners

>Recasting with Blue Stuff and LEGO bricks

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Painting a Blood Angel Intercessor

>Learn to paint with an unlicensed doctor

>Easy-to-Make Realistic Shell Impacts

>Easy banners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>Sculpt Viking Beards and Hair

>How to clean synthetic paintbrushes and fix hooked tips

>Comic Style Painting Tutorial for Ironskull's Boyz

>Everybody Wants a New Romance

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

Previous threads:

No title
Do talk about fight club
>What is fight club?
Actual games on /tg/. Post character images, stat them and then have them fight other characters in an arena. The goal is just to show off games you think are cool with waifus and/or husbandos.

>What can I do?
You got a game you think is cool? Stop arguing on the internet about it and come show us how it works.
You got a waifu you want statted? Post her! Optionally provide a bit of context if there is any to be had.

Dropbox with all the characters made so far for GURPS: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/25p54bu6p9n4s0o/AADHAabWB0GqY-ttJswheQjda?dl=0

Basic fighters are made on 100 pts. There is talk of a middleweight division on 200 but nothing solid yet.
Fighters gain 2pts on a win.

Previous thread >>82365862

No title
what's the objectively superior dragon bodyshape?
/tg/ - Drawthread

Old thread hit reply cap


• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next, this is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, don't draw it.
• Ignore the bait for they don't deserve (You)'s
• Stay on topic

>Drawfags and Drawfags-to-be:
• Feel free to drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information, but if you're dropping your commission info, please consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising.

Drawfags open for commissions:

Figure Drawing:

Beginners Guide to Drawing:

The w/ic/i art Guide:

Previous Thread >>82383653

D&D Monks
Which version of D&D did monks the best?
Which did them the worst?

Personally I think the 1e Glass Cannon monks were the most fun, while 5e Stun Gun Monks are the most boring.

No title
>in this game female characters can only take on support classes
No title
How did a race of short people from Germanic mythos become Scottish highlanders?
No title
Should an undead being be able to give birth to a living one?
Norse fantasy
If you were to run a fantasy RPG in a Norse setting, what would you consider a necessity? What would you personally want to see?
No title
Is there any real justification for why adventurers would wear skimpy clothes?
Warhammer 40,000 General - /40kg/
Conversion Edition

>Custodes Shield Hosts:

>Genestealer Cults Crossfire:

>Downloads; Rules Errata, FAQs:

>New /40kg/ Temporal Rules Mega:
>New 40k 9th rules backup Mega
>Old temporal megas
>40k Audiobook Mega

>Tools to Improve Battlescribe Readability:

>Previous Thread:

TQ: Recommend YouTubers and artists that do cool conversions. Post cool conversions.

No title
Am I dumb for wanting to make my own homebrew system?
/bushi/ - Bushiroad Card Games General
There Goes the 800 Dollar Case
Thread #303: Still Waiting for that Guy to Commit Sudoku Edition

Deck Log: https://decklog-en.bushiroad.com/
Beginner guide, decklists and other info: https://pastebin.com/QxKQRhrQ
Vanguard ZERO Important Links and Info:
Up to date fanmade PC online games, 3DS/Switch emulation and Mobile games:
Cardfight and Buddyfight matchmaking server:
Weiss/Schwarz Resources:

Cardfight!! Vanguard overDress Season 2 Episode 8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvaopOnOp3Q
Vanguard ZERO 2nd Anniversary Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-CMhUUoae8
Bushiroad TCG Strategy Broadcast 2021 Winter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5_DpAv-Ds4

Release Schedule (Vanguard):
- D-BT03 Advance of Intertwined Stars: 12/10
- D-SD06 Mirei Minae: 12/17
- D-TTD01 Touken Ranbu -ONLINE- 2021: 01/21
- D-TB01 Touken Ranbu -ONLINE- 2021: 01/21
- D-BT04 Awakening of Chakrabarthi: 02/11
- D-VS03/4 V Clan Collection Vol. 3/4: 03/04

Release Schedule (Weiss):
- RWBY Supply Set, TD+, and BP: 12/17
- Bang Dream! Morfonica TD+, Morfonica×RAISE A SUILEN EB, and Poppin'Party×Roselia EB: 1/21
- Rent-A-Girlfriend TD+ and BP: 2/11
- Mushoku Tensei TD+ and BP: 3/11
- Bang Dream! Premium BP 4/8
- Hololive Production TD+ and BP: 4/29
- Tokyo Revengers TD+ and BP: 5/13

Release Schedule (Rebirth for You JP):
- Remake Our Life: 12/17
- D4DJ Vol. 2: 1/28
- Genshin Impact, Blue Archive, and STARDOM: TBA

Vanguard ZERO News:
- Box: Generation Stride (EN) / Sovereign Star Dragon (JP)
- EN Rank Fight "Awakening of the Interdimensional Dragon" (SP Chronojet Dragon) until 12/15 23:59 PDT
- New Super Decks available

Previous Thread: >>82355745

TQ: Which Vanguard / Buddyfight set had the worst case of having a single Clan / World "carrying" the set besides V-BT10 (ie. Shadow Paladin with Tachi, Spikes, and Megacolony)?

No title
wood elf
>It's another setting where the elves represent Ireland and their language is cobbled together Gaelic
what started this trend
No title
How do we fix paladins, /tg/?
No title
>There's a always chaotic race where the only solution is to just kill them all
Is this the worst trope?
Has Kult replaced Vampire the Masquerade?
Every circle i know of vampire players at my locals and online have basically given up on the game. Given what White Wolfs gotten up to in the last ten years thats not that surprising. What is however is how every single one has jumped to this swedish, i think, game called Kult.

I thought it was that overly edgy gorey one but reading up on it it seems more like a generic "there is a hidden world of supernatural grimdark horseshit" which explains the ease of transition i guess.

Personally i'm way more of a Call of Cthulhu kind of guy but i found it interesting to see such a 1:1 transition. Usually fanbases splinter and you get multiple games competing to fill the void. This feels more like the tabletop equivalent of FFXIV killing off World of Warcraft instead.

Has anyone played both? What do you think is leading to one overtaking the other?

No title
pathfinder core rulebook
Just bought pic related. It's a lot cooler than 1st edition let me tell ya.
/ktg/ - Kill Team General
The Boys edition.

>Previous thread

>Mega with proper scans by /gwsg/, which never gets updated ever. Upload new scans in their mega drop. Replace <dot> with a .

>Core rules (shitty photos)
>Kill Team lists (shitty photos)
>New Expansion, Kill Team: Chalnath
https://ufile.io/emqvfoql (link expires in ~25 days)


Which one of /yourdudes/ is the constant MVP? Doesn't matter if it's in narrative or just a model that performs in matched play. Post a pic with your story about them.

Sisters of Battle Creation Electric Boogaloo
Second thread for fleshing out, the Order of Celestial Descent.
Last Thread:
Brief summary: >>82315280
>Order of the Celestial Descent: The Sororitas force in the sector, freshly mustered descendants of the ardent shroud. Pure-pure girls who put faith over steel. Love to descend on their prey from on high. Love to fight naked & haze their novitiates before they can earn their armor/death/wings of death. Currently sitting in a sick shrine world built for their canoness after she bit the bullet & was retroactively canonized
>Militant Erratica: Militia made up of less than stable veterans of shrine worlds FORMER military. Never bought what the chaos fags were trying to sell them. Now they're chasing their former bosses down, armed with only their questionable sanity and gnarly gear & daemonic weaponry they kept from their now defunct branch of service. The sisters, kind as ever, saw a similar frenzied instability in them, as well as a shared lust for killing heretics, and so have left them to go about their business of domestic terrorism and assassination in the name of the god emperor. There heroes we deserve.
>Wings of the Aquila: Doomsday tzeentch cult made up of the upper echelons of systems governing body. Currently in damage control (or living like that dog in the burning building.jpg) after the sisters CANCELED their apocalypse & killed their regional manager from the Warp on day one (1) in the system. Currently reorganizing and drinking chaos coffee while popping blood vessels.
>Dino Killaz: Our red, Nob sized mass of boyz. Love repurposed pain engines, chariots, & killing loyalists. Turned an exodite world to a desert. Friends of the spikey chaos boys, since they always have something that needs to be krumped, & the cunning to get them there.

Next up on the list fleshing them is out, is the Shrine World of Icaria IV. 4d10 for their tech level.

Naval warfare
siege of constantinople
How would magic influence naval warfare? I am thinking about a medieval setting, before gunpowder but with plentiful access to magic.
My first idea is that they would use fire to set enemy ships alight, but only against smaller vessels as others would rather be captured. Magic that could propel a ship by either blowing wind onto it's sails or just moving the ship would also be useful, and magic that can influence water is obviously a must-have. If large-scale teleportation spells are available, you could also fill a single ship with selected troops that you could use to teleport commandos onto other ships.
What are your thoughts? If you have any stories about sea battles in your games, share them, I am curious to hear them.
LEVIATHAN, Empires of Sacred Oil & Broken Stone, Part 19
>Fine. I shall do it myself.

This is a crowd sourced endeavour to create a setting and ttrpg.

What was produced is pic related, the setting of LEVIATHAN, the World of Sacred Oil and Broken Stone. The purpose of this thread is to organize to continue filling out the Lore Document, congregate for map making, and for developing an RPG system for this setting.

The story of the world is emergent, being developed as we discuss and explore concepts in the setting. But at its core Leviathan is a world in the grips of change, caught between progress as the industrial revolution marches onward and primordial powers of the gods beneath and the monolith. Leviathan tells the story of a world in flux and those who can make use of such a world to exact great change. Leviathan has you take on the role of those cast out by more organized society, disgraced professors, discharged marines, nomadic tribesmen, wandering pilgrims, and more as they navigate the conflicts of Lapsaria.

The core world conflicts in the modern day are:
>The rebellion at Capri Bay, a uprising among the military over the terms of the mysterious Bargain between the Lapsarian royalty and the Gods Beneath.
>The Durite Campaign, a push by the Lapsarian military to take control of the vast and rich Durite Steppe on their eastern border.
>The Worker's Revolt, a constant ebb and flow of sentiment between the tycoons of the industrial world and those workers organizing for their rights and liberty.

Lore Dump Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RjU2GkiDq5tJ8Ih9A9LxyHhC3cvmQANYG579UDgxuOM/edit?usp=sharing
RPG System: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kV4IkD7O2qFX6C0YYZQ78SBqpcJv07uy72ow-Mcvt3g/edit?usp=sharing

Last thread: >>82313992

Ongoing Discussions:
> Lapsaria's Major cities
> Plot hooks inside of those cities
> Character backgrounds

/gengen/ - Genesys General
Mountain Temple Edition

>What is Genesys?
Released in November 2017, Genesys is a pen-and-paper generic/universal RPG system and toolkit by Fantasy Flight Games and EDGE Studio, using a refined version of the system presented by their Star Wars RPGs (Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, Force and Destiny). Its central mechanic is the Narrative Dice System, using pools made of specialized dice to create narrative results. The intention is for the system to be a highly flexible narrative system, adaptable to most any conceivable setting and premise.

>"Twilight Imperium: Embers of the Imperium," a new space opera splat based on Twilight Imperium, is set to launch Q2 2022

>Where can I find the books?
Check the Online Extras pastebin below for something useless. The core book is the only mandatory book.
>Do I have to buy the fancy dice to play the game?
Only if you want physical dice to roll. There are plenty of free dice rollers available online, now including the official dice roller app on mobile. Check the Online Extras pastebin for links.

>Player-made Genesys settings

>A quick and dirty primer on how the dice in Genesys work

>Online Extras (fillable sheets, dice rollers, quick reference sheets, generators, PDFs, etc.)

Previous Thread: >>82292348

/TG/ Tolkien General
Ingwë, Elwë and Finwë
Kings of the Calaquendi Edition

Namárië, friends. This thread is for discussion of Tolkien's work and traditional games set in Arda - wizards, half-elves, dragons or uruks - any and all are welcome!

/ygo/ - Yu-Gi-Oh! General
Yu-Gi-Oh! General #395: Smugest Edition
Previous thread: >>82388604

All Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion encouraged. Talk lore, post CaC, get deck advice, duel each other, etc. Take care of your cardboard.

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Online Play
Automated Sims:
●EDOPro website:https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●YGOProES for Android (Spanish):https://discord.gg/ZGtm6HT
●YGO Omega (Beta):https://discord.gg/duelistsunite
Manual Sims:

>TCG Event Streaming

>Useful Links
Current Official Rulebook:http://www.yugioh-card.com/en/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_V10.pdf
Hypergeometric Probability Calculator:http://yugioh.party
Stock Market:http://yugiohprices.com
For boomers:https://www.pojo.biz/board/forumdisplay.php?f=10


>News Sites

>Upcoming Releases
●Structure Deck: Alba Strike (Dec 4)
●Gold Series: Gold Rush (Dec 11)
●Premium Pack: 2022 (Dec 18)
●Secret Shiny Box (Dec 25)

●Brothers of Legend (Dec 3 [was Oct 1])
●The Grand Creators (Jan 14 [was Dec 3])
●Hidden Arsenal: Chapter 1 (Jan 28 [was Nov 19])
●Battle of Chaos (Feb 11)
●Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy Box (Feb 25)
●Structure Deck: Albaz Strike (Mar 11)
●Ghosts From the Past: the 2nd Haunting (Apr 22)

cats vs. snakes in lewd rpgs
strong cat knight
>catfolk (people with feline predator traits) are portrayed as dumb, bimbo-ish lesser fey/beastfolk who are weak, uncontrollably horny, easily manipulated and make up much of the setting's slave and sex industry
>snakefolk (people with snake predator traits) are portrayed as highly intelligent fey/beastfolk who are strong, with alpha personalities, always in control, often with magical/hypnotic powers and might be running slave/sex industries
Why does this keep cropping up in sex-positive TTRPG settings? Why snakes >>> cats? Why do catfolk always get a raw deal? I've seen this in Corruption of Champions, No Haven and the works of GigglingGoblin. What gives?
No title
This was Critical Role for boomers
Why do people have such a distaste against dueling dice rolls?
CapitalEvergreenIndiancow-max-1mb (1)
Everyone wants to use a target number when it comes to a resolution system, but you rarely hear about dice roll versus dice roll.
It would be more interesting in live confrontations that characters had to roll against other characters. Stagnant to hit numbers would make more sense with a stagnant challenge like kicking a door in or busting a lock open.
No title
moslem general ma
What are some good adventure hooks for a pulp action campaign set in 1920's/30's China at the height of the Warlord Era?
Orion in Review
On-topic header
This is on-topic for /tg/.

This thread will contain reviews, posts, and discussions about Orion Acaba and his play as Tiberius Stormwind during the early sessions of the Dungeons and Dragons podcast/stream, Critical Role.

This is on-topic for /tg/.

By examining what was good, what was bad, and what eventually led to Orion leaving the group, we as players can examine our own efforts, learning lessons that will not only improve our personal tabletop experience, but will also positively enhance the experiences of our table partners.

This is on-topic for /tg/.

The discussions in this thread may naturally branch out and encompass other associated topics, including, but not limited to, campaigns 2&3 of Critical Role, set production values, Guest Players, Talks Machina, Danni Carr, Brian Foster, rules discussion, fanart (just how big are we talking, Ashley?), competing ttrpg podcasts, and ttrpg products.

This is on-topic for /tg/.

Fantasy / Sci-Fi Cheesecake Thread - Return of The Leotard
Keep it classy.
/3dpg/ - 3d Printing General
This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi, fantasy, historicals, fantasy football, and more! Share your printed minis, terrain, print fails, 3d modeling, printing advice, works in progress, or anything else /tg/-related to 3D printing.

- Post pics of your prints be they fails or triumphs
- Keep your prints and files about tabletop games only
- Encrypt file links
- Use Passwords
- Post your resin/printer/settings for faster advice
- Help your fellow anons with advice

- Not make a new thread until old one dies
- Not encourage namefags, tripfags and coomers
- Not spoonfeed newfags
- Not encrypt links to websites
- Not discuss encryption/passwords
- Not war over Filament/Resin consoles
- Keep your model pics naked (no paint/undercoat only)
- Look after small artists/studios
- Buy something from or tip an artist/studio you like
- Read the last 3 threads before posting

>FAQ (If you only read one thing in the OP make it this)

>Resources (last updated 05 NOV 21)

FDM Troubleshooter: https://pastebin.com/raw/H1en2ghM
Resin Troubleshooter: https://pastebin.com/raw/SbYWdMnC
Resin Safety: https://radtech.org/safe-handling-of-3d-printing-resins/
Printer Buying: https://pastebin.com/raw/1Kfib5YK


>Last 3 Threads

/bgg/ Board Game General - Many Boards Edition
>What's your favorite style of game board?
>Will an unconventional setup stop you from buying/playing?
>If you could make your own board, what would it look and feel like?
undead fortress
I beseech you in my hour of need, /tg/. I need your coolest ideas for a high-level fortress full of undead built by an undead demigod. Traps, room features, puzzles, etc. Anything you can give me. I have some ideas but I really can't afford to cut corners on this one.
Science Fantasy inspiration thread
Science Fantasy inspiration thread? Science Fantasy inspiration thread.
Storythread: 'The ride never stops' edition

This is a thread for creative writing of /tg/-related fiction (so epic campaign greentexts and other non-fiction go elsewhere). If you have /tg/ related stories to post, post them here, and hopefully some kind anon will give you feedback. Or at least acknowledge that someone did actually read it, which let's face it is what writefags really want.

What counts as /tg/-related? Anything someone could plausibly use in a campaign (which means basically anything if you have enough imagination).

If you don't have a story ready then I and other anons will be posting pictures throughout the thread for you to test your writing skills on. This is, more or less, a world-building and character-building exercise: two vital skills for playing roleplaying games. If you don't have any pics to post, you could try posting an idea for a setting or a character, and maybe someone will be willing to write a story using it.

Remember that writefags love to have feedback on their work. Writing takes a long time, especially stories that go over several posts, and it can be really depressing when no one even seems to read it (and the writer won't know you read it unless you leave a comment).

And since writing takes a long time remember to keep the thread bumped. Pics are good, feedback is better.

There is a discord for writers:

The previous thread can still be found in the archive here
if you have any comments about the stories posted there

Don't forget to check out past stories on our wiki page:

No title
You and the people you play with are now in a game DM'd by Matt Mercer! Your objective: Get a TPK in a Matt Mercer game. Can your party do it?
/ccg/ Custom Card General /cct/
needs an update again
Recursion Edition

>To make cards, download MSE for free from here:
>Mobile users might have an easier time signing up here:

>Stitch cards together with

>Hi-Res MSE Templates

>Mechanics doc (For the making of color pie appropriate cards)

>Color Pie mechanics

>Read this before you post cards for the first time, or as a refresher for returning cardmakers

>Design articles by Wizards

>Primer: NWO and Redflagging

>Q: Can there be a sixth color?
A: http://pastebin.com/kNAgwj7i

>Q: What's the difference between multicolor and hybrid?
A: http://pastebin.com/yBnGki1C

>Q: What is precedence?
A: http://pastebin.com/pGxMLwc7

>Q: How can I proxy my cards for testing?
A: https://pastebin.com/9Xj1xLdM // https://mtgprint.cardtrader.com

>Art sources

>/ccg/ sets

Old thread:

No title
Could somebody explain to me why preserving the "balance between good and evil" is a thing in some settings? Preserving the balance between order and chaos or between life and death I get, but all of the arguments I ever hear for maintaining a balance between good and evil are retarded or have the supposed "good" side act evil, thus negating the whole argument.
No title
>YFW streetsharks has more fantasy elements than most fantasy settings in the last decade has.
When has fantasy lost it's imagination?
No title
stat him in your favored system
How well could all of the USMC fare if they got the isekai into DND?
Steampunk Ideas Thread
What are some fun plots to do in a steampunk game? Like plots that can elevate steampunk beyond it's cogfop constraints?

>Steampunk Russian-Civil-War
>But the players are proto-fascists in control of the industrial heartland, fighting rural communists in the expanse rural wildlands
>They've gotta deal with various leftover superweapons left over from the last war, and the immense factionalism of both their enemies and their allies, as well as the occasional foreign invasion
>Also gotta make sure they don't piss off the secret police and get purged
>And their home-base is a mobile Railway Artillery Gun that they upgrade as the campaign goes on.

Amateur Game Design and Homebrew Thread
Ho-Ho-Ho and Welcome to the December thread of Homebrew discussion on /tg/. This is part of my effort to get people discussing classic homebrew discussion and assist the board in general when it comes to their game design endeavors.

>Who is this namefaggot?
I'm just a dude who writes games and likes the homebrew discussions on /tg/. I frequent a few threads, but I'm just here to facilitate discussion.

>Why should I homebrew?
/tg/ products are fairly unique in that it's actually pretty simple to make them these days, with a plethora of products to assist in making and playtesting your game. Making your own games helps understand why games are made the way they are, as well as being fun to do.

>What you should post
Ideas for games, games you're currently making, updates to your own games in broad strokes, and any homebrewing for existing products that don't get much attention. Discussion about the above is welcome. Post good, be good, and look over others products, they care if someone looks more than anything.
While TTRPG's are the majority, don't hesitate to post about your War, Card, or Boardgame. I'll help where I can, but others may be able to provide more.

>Oh No! The Thread is Over!
Have no fear, the thread will resume at the first of every month. If you want to make another during the month, go for it. I can't, and won't, stop you. If you want to make a thread on your own game, go for it!
Don't add General to the name.

>Resources for the aspiring developer
>https://anydice.com/ (A fantastic resource for checking probabilities)
>https://miro.com/ (A online whiteboard with tools to help organize yourself)
>https://www.notion.so/ (Similar to the above, but in a bit cleaner format for those who work in larger teams)
>https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8w6SWLm7NBEXRGlUR8Lm8lz7-sVpu_qQ (Notepad's Classroom of Design Stuff) - More videos soon (tm)
>https://www.youtube.com/user/georgephillies/playlists (Game Design Lectures)

/hsg/ - Horror Settings General
Why Did He Do It Edition

Tell us about your horror settings, games, etc. Share inspirational art, prompts, etc.

>List of games:
Call of Cthulhu, Chill, Cold and Dark, Degenesis, Delta Green, Don't Rest Your Head, Dread, Esoterrorists/Fear Itself+Book of Unremitting Horror, Fall of Delta Green, GORE, Into The Shadows, KULT, Little Fears, Mothership RPG, Nemesis (free on Arc Dream's website), Nights Black Agents, Silent Legions (Mostly for the tables), Stalker: The SciFi RPG, Symbaroum, Ten Candles, Trail of Cthulhu, Unisystem (All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Witchcraft, Conspiracy X, etc.), Unknown Armies, The Whispering Vault

>Inspirational stuff:
Caitlin R Kiernan, Castlevania, Doom Watch, Fear & Hunger, George Romero, Ghostwatch, House of Leaves, I Am In Eskew, John Carpenter, Kolchak the Nightstalker, Laird Barron, M.R. James, Nick Cutter, Old Gods of Appalachia, Quatermass, Ramsey Campbell, Remedy Series (Alan Wake, Control), SCP Foundation, Scarfolk Council, Shaun Hutson, Silent Hill, Stand Still Stay Silent, The Evil Dead, The Magnus Archives, The Secret World, The Stone Tapes, Thomas Ligotti, Twin Peaks, Vault of Evil forums, toomuchhorrorfiction

Other News:
Degenesis is currently free on the sixmorevodka website V4.

Current Book Club Topic:
Oh Whistle and I'll Come for you My Lad

Questions for the thread:
>Have you ever had your eldritch horror or big monster fail to destroy anything?
>Has there ever been a situation where the monster in your horror game was dead before your group got to it?
>If so, why?

Questions for Horrorverse refugees:
>What is the most unimpressive monster you've ever seen in horror?
>What would you do to make them better, personally?

Previous Thread: >>82341559

Please try to keep arguing to a minimum. Don't respond to bait/drama posts.
And as usual, try and keep it alive, or at least undead.

/acg/ - Alternative Card Games General #196
Who is That Handsome Fellow Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits
>The other DBZ game

Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!

>Wixoss Pastebin

>Force of Will Pastebin

>Dragonball GT Shadow Dragon saga rulebook

>Gate Ruler Pastebin

>Build Divide Pastebin

>Flesh and Blood Pastebin

Coordinate in thread to get some games in!

>Last Thread

>Thread Question:
Does your favorite game have an active scene? Or do you play mostly online?

No title
>Your character lost his daughter long time ago you say?
>Here's your daughter-figure NPC bro! Try to keep her alive this time hehe.

What do you do when your DM does this?

No title
your character gets a free wish. what now?
No title
Goblin Slayer Goblins are now in your setting or campaign. How might your setting and or character(s) deal against Goblin Slayer Goblins, considering the Goblins of the Goblin Slayer setting are shockingly strong, surprisingly powerful and how they seemingly overpower and defeat strong experienced people. And of course how they rape women to reproduce and multiply.

Seeing how the Goblin Slayer Goblins are so seemingly powerful and strong that they can overpower even heroes. To the point strong female characters will end up being raped to death. Can your setting or any setting outside the Goblin Slayer Setting deal against the Goblins of Goblin Slayer?

No title
How would you try to make a Kojima inspired tabletop campaign, and what system would you want to use?

Personally I have an idea that's basically a mashup of Metal Gear Rising and Metal Wolf Chaos where the President and his Cabinet go to each American state fighting bombastic bosses in business suits that pontificate sincerely on completely nonsensical politics.

No title
If you were an evil overlord, commander of the legions of doom, wielding dark sorceries beyond the purview of man.

How would you run things?
What races would be in your legions of doom?

Assuming a fairly generic fantasy setting.

Abhuman Creation thread
The goal of this thread is the creation of Abhumans for the setting of Warhammer 40k based on a random rolling table.

Then the role of their Auxilla units in the Imperial guard can also be decided.

First roll is 7d100 for conditions on homeworld

No title
What was the greatest threat to the Imperium before the Horus Heresy?
/mechm/ - Mecha Monday
Greetings, Mecha Monday! Here, we dedicate ourselves to mecha RPGs, war games, and board games alike. Here, we start games, tell campaign stories, share resources & assets, and seek advice for our games and homebrew.

Assorted Mecha Goodness:

Please keep Battletech discussion to a minimum for the sake of other Mecha RPGs. It has its own general.

Previous Thread: >>82279793

Thread Question: What kind of genre blends have you always wanted to bring to a mecha game? Have you wished to make a creepy Spacehulk-esque horror game? A gritty war drama on the brutal frontlines? A fun shounen sports tournament? What concepts do you think would mix together well and make for a fun campaign?

/twgg/ - TowerGirls CYOA General
Dog Princess With Knife
Knife Edition

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Games welcome here!

Everyone is welcome.

Main Gens: https://imgur.com/a/9hzpx
Legacy Charts: https://imgur.com/a/IRtoHXh
Side Quests: https://imgur.com/a/7euVXRT

Alternate Costumes: https://imgur.com/a/xyF47FP
Fusions: https://imgur.com/a/ZlBCQbY

Fan V4 Gen:

Gats's V4+Chibi Gen:



Booru (Fan Art Collection) - http://tower-girls.booru.org/
Backup Booru -https://towergirls.booru.org/index.php
Brushes, Fonts, and Templates http://www.mediafire.com/file/k83sgc5t5dfvv3s/Towergirls_Files.zip
Gats Wiki - https://wiki.smutosaur.us/towergirls/Main_Page
Folder Containing Artwork-https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GCjgb8zXq2Myg8G39EockjdTTYShOQjw

Games & Tabletop Rulebooks:

Nyx's Fusions:

https://wizdingo.proboards.com/ (Eversor)

Where do I upload to share?

if you'd like access to the discord or have anything you wish to talk about privately involving towergirls, editing, etc, please contact Brumus here:

A) [email protected]
B) "Tired Knight" on Steam

Don't forget to visit the other Tower girl threads on other boards;


Previous Thread:

/stg/ - Star Trek General
polaroid edition
Previous Thread: >>82320389
A thread for discussing the 'Star Trek' franchise and its various gaming adaptations.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures
-Official Modiphius Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)
-Homebrew Collection
-PDF Collection

/stg/ Other RPGs (Previous Licensed, Unlicensed, and Third Party)

Star Trek: Attack Wing
-Official WizKids Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)

Star Trek: Fleet Captain
-Official WizKids Page (Rules and Player Resources)

Star Trek: Ascendancy
-Official Gale Force Nine Page (Rules and Player Resources)

Lore Resources

Memory Alpha - Canon wiki

Memory Beta - Noncanon wiki for licensed Star Trek works

Fan Sites - Analysis of episodes, information on ships, technobabble and more

Star Trek Maps - Based on the Star Trek Star Charts, updated and corrected

/stg/ Homebrew Content

Thread Topic: What episode premise would be better served in another series?

No title
Why aren't the Q'Orl Swarmhood a playable faction in Warhammer 40k?
/hwg/ Historical wargame general
Strangers in a strange land edition

>Previous Thread:

>List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:
>ZunTsu Gameboxes:
>/hwg/ Steam Group:
>Naval wargaming stuff:

>Games, Ospreys & References folders:

>H&C Megatrove
rebrand<dot>ly /HexChit

>New Trove Link
Thread question: What /hwg/ related thing are you looking forward to the most?

No title
Should medieval fantasy settings have foods like potatoes, tomatoes and maize?
Outsider 214: Space Gun
One whole month to design this laser gun. Anatomy on the bottom panel seems funky.
No title
berserk @setzeri
Do you prefer parties to be rather unified in their theme and origins from the get-go (part of the same crew, organization, or faction) or ragtag groups of random wanderers as PCs, with the party itself and their shared goals being the only thing they have in common?
No title
Inner Sea
About to start a Pathfinder campaign for first time.
What's your favorite thing about Golarion and it's setting?
No title
Where can you have like silly lighthearted fanservice adventures besides the beach? I can't think of any examples except beach ones.
No title
We have to destroy all religion
we just do, ok!?
low fantasy settings are kinda retarded at times...
>setting is low fantasy
>for some reason it's grimdark and worse than Europe during the dark ages...
>magic exists but ALL magic users are hunted down and no one ever does anything about it except for the players
>clerics or divine casters are not hunted down cuz "Muh divine"
>non human races exist but littery every human hates them for some reason and they are always the minority...

seriously why the fuck are low fantasy settings such retarded and most of this shit comes from American GMs that have no fucking idea of Europe or human nature, I could rant about more bullshit that happens in edgy grimdark low fantasies but that be just a wall of text.

/anrg/ - Android:Netrunner General
>What is Android: Netrunner? (3rd party mirror)

>How to play Android: Netrunner (TeamCovenant)

>How to play Android: Netrunner (NISEI)

>The Unofficial fan group keeping things Running

>"Why I Run", a hands-on demo on how Running works (replace spaces with dots):
www nagnazul com/whyirun/whyirun.html

>Want to play in Netspace? (replace spaces with dot):
www Jinteki net

>Looking for players in Meatspace?

>All the available artworks:

>More Resources, blogs, podcasts

No title
First time DM here DMing a campaign. How do you guys get a party together in D&D without the old "you meet in a taven/inn" bit?

Unimportant, since no characters have been put together yet, but its a 3.5e game and so far my players are thinking of a hellbred paladin, a healer, some kind of rogue-like class, a bard (though I DM'd the player asking if she'd prefer a duskblade), and some kind of full spellcaster.

/ExG/ Exalted General
Just make your own goddamn general instead of whining about it in /WoDg/ edition.

>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here: http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial: http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
It'll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck

>Resources for Older Editions

>Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

>Errata for Third Edition

>Other Ex3 Resources

Hundred Devils Night Parade https://pastebin.com/iA1DYbpB
Adversaries of the Righteous https://pastebin.com/KR7zTrpe
Eclipse Charms https://pastebin.com/adVHdWtk

>Current Quixalted Extended QE Version (Fanmade Supplement)

>Optional Quixalted Exalts

Last thread

/tgesg/ - Weekend Elder Scrolls Lore General
It's the Imperial Legion Edition

>Tabletop/P&P RPGs
[UESRPG - P&P RPG]https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pTgTN2aJUoY95JtquowagfUJLL7tCQYhzJKcCAcbvio/edit?usp=sharing
[Scrollhammer - Tabletop Wargame]https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Scrollhammer_2nd_Edition
[TES 5E Conversion]https://uestrpg.wixsite.com/home
Discussion in #Scrollhammer (irc.thisisnotatrueending.com (port 6667))
[Tabletop Sim Steam Group]
[TES: Call to Arms]https://www.modiphius.com/elder-scrolls.html

>TES Iceberg Excel Sheet:

>Lore Resources
[The Imperial Library]https://www.imperial-library.info/
[Pocket Guide to the Lore]https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AtsWXZKVqB4Q825_SwINY6z4_9NaGknXgeOknOCDuCU/edit
[Elder Lore Podcast]https://www.elderlore.wordpress.com/
[How to Become a Lore Buff]https://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1112211-how-to-become-a-lore-buff/


>General Rules
This is NOT /tesg/, so behave properly.
Keep the squabbling to a minimum.
No Aedra waifus or husbandos.

Previous Kalpa:>>82234573

/aosg/ - Age of Sigmar General
Deepkino Edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website

>Downloads; Rules Errata and FAQs:

>AoS Battletomes
>/YourDudes/ Fluff
>Soulbound and Supplements
>AoS Books and Audiobooks
One day these will be fixed.


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator

> Thread Question
Speculate on the 2 heros from the rumoured VS box.

/name/ - Naming General
Let's have a thread where we help each other finding names for characters, creatures, places, etc. we thought up.
So describe the thing you need a name for, and help out other Anons by suggesting names. Or just shoot some names out there for concepts you like.

Personally I like the name Simon Seven-Coppers for a real scum-fucky bandit.

/3.5g/ /3eg/ Dungeons and Dragons Third/3rd Edition General
For discussion of D&D 3.5e


>3e Trove

now torrent. SEED PLEASE bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

>D&D Tools

Last Thread: >>82142300

Obyrith Edition
What's your favorite underrated/underused monster?

No title
How do you efficiently award XP for players? Obviously not the video game route about how many enemies they killed, but should exploration feature into it? If they decide to explore the city they just arrived in and spent three sessions just running around aimlessly, should this be rewarded with XP?
Atmospheric Vore Hell
Hey you know how we've had periodic threads of how fucked up the bottom of the ocean is and how such an environment could be used as a spooky as fuck environment for a party to explore? I can't stop thinking about the opposite.

Think of the conditions of the upper atmosphere. It's sheer size and emptiness is not unlike much of the underwater vore hell region. What if a fantastical equivalent were to exist above the clouds of a setting? Instead of weird fish, it could be weird birds and insects along with whatever else you want to throw up there. The astral wind from the stars carries spores and detritus into the atmosphere, which serves as food for smaller creatures and filter feeders which form the basis of the ecosystem. Sight would be much more important, and the horror of it would be less about claustrophobia and lightlessness, but agoraphobia and the fact that you're exposed and vulnerable with few if any places to hide. If you can the gigantic fucked up bird the gigantic fucked up bird can definitely see you. Or even, it could be eyeing you from several miles away while you might just notice a spec in the far distance until it suddenly takes up the whole of your vision with its giganic mouth wide open to take you in one gulp.

No title
Sexy Guy
>be gm
>organize a group to play
>don't show up to session 0
>stop replying to texts
>never interact with these people again except when you run into them in the grocery store
why are gms like this?
No title
If you were to blatantly rip off and mix 3-5 franchises to appeal to your non-gaming friends; which ones would you go for and what systems would you use for it?
I'm thinking about Jojo + Harry Potter + Zelda + One Piece; I'd like to use gurps for it (there will be many first timers and I'd like them to not be tainted by d&d20).
/Dungeon Synth December/
Since it's DSD tell me the Dungeon Synth records you listen to while playing traditional games anon. What's your favorite one? also is there a trove for that kind of stuff somewhere?
/supers/ General
Power Girl Punch

The thread for all things related to superheroes, supervillains, super games, settings, characters and artwork.

>Mutants & Masterminds 3e SRD

Gonna need to rebuild the copypasta for the next thread.

>Thread Question
Do your heroes have stuff like merchandise, ad campaigns, movie deals and the like? How about in-universe comic books detailing their exploits? Is this played straight, for comedy or is meant to be cynical?

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Should creatures with the head (and by extension presumably jaw structure of an obligate herbivore) but the body (and by extension presumably stomach) of human, like a Minotaur or a Giff be omnivorous or herbivorous? How about the opposite, like cat people? Teeth say one thing, stomach says the other, and the fact that it's a magical creature in the first place means real world logic may not apply at all
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>magicians used to have great founts of magic and were capable of wondrous feats of magic with only middling skill
>they fought great and terrible wars for control of magic, trying to monopolize it for themselves
>there are now few sources of magic left
>it takes a master to cast even the simplest of spells from the tiny bits of magic available
>magicians fight secret wars in back alleys and parking lots with knives and lead pipes over the tiny pieces left, like a couple of magic trees and a goose that sometimes lays rainbow colored eggs on a full moon

Is there a game or setting that has this feel or do I have to create my own?

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Is Exandria now the most popular setting?
Is this how Greyhawk fans felt when Forgotten Realms took over?
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How do we fix the Tau?

How do you make them more interesting, fun to read, more fitting with the universe, but without losing their 'soul' so to speak.

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Will it be any good?
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Do you enjoy having access to anachronistic advanced technology in fantasy RPGs, anon? What makes you like/dislike sci-fantasy or magitech elements?
Bionicle Thread: Take 2
Let's say Makuta never rebelled, and the Great Spirit Robot successfully departed Spherus Magna to search the cosmos for new life and discoveries. How would you introduce conflict, and what would your setting end up being?
Totally Urban Settings
Space stations, megacities, ecumenopoliseseses, whatever. Totally urbanized or industrial environments are fucking baller and I love to see them in damn near anything. Post art, discuss your favorite examples, and if you want to at least play the part of elegan/tg/entleman, create critters, locales, plot hooks, or whatever other sorts of resources one might go looking for if they ever want to get their table and group to play with such a world.
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I had a clever idea that would give orcs more flavour

So I'm basing this idea off of the Warhammer Fantasy series in which they are essentially fungal mammal hybrids.

>Their skin is green like stems but fungi and plants come in a veriety of colours
>Leaning into their fungi concept let's say there are now yellow orcs and red speckled orcs
>Depending on the region you can have a totally unique orc look
>Depending on the season their skin could be radically different
>In summer their skin is green, in fall an army can be shades of yellow and red
>By winter they all turn black or grey
>By spring they revert back to green
>Their spores cannot thrive in tundras so they prefer hotter areas
>This is why humanity thrives better in colder regions because it keeps orcs at a distance where they cannot make permanent residence
>Orc biology should be like magic gardening where entire limbs regrow and even be grafted back on so orcs can attach new limbs whenever they want.
>Orcs usually die in combat by their own volition but some can root themselves into the ground and grow into trees which are worshipped by other orcs. Or chopped down.

I mostly like the idea of yellow orcs with banana shaped heads.

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Where does "human" end and "elf" begin? We'll use the Hylians from Zelda as a starting point. They have pointy ears, but are called humans and have no other elven traits (most of them have no magic abilities, their senses are no better than a regular human, they don't live any longer, and their society and culture are also "human"). They are presented as a human ethnic group rather than a separate species.
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>video games are a multi-billion dollar industry with not just countless college courses teaching how to make them, but entire schools dedicated to them
>tabletop rpgs struggle to survive even mild financial downturns, and even the most financially succesful RPG of all time is treated as a mediocre source of revenue by its parent company and largely just retained for its valuable liscensing
>any college course about tabletop roleplaying games are the equivalent to fringe community college courses like "History of Water Balloons" or "Underwater Basket Weaving."
Is what's holding back PnP RPGs the lack of education dedicated to them?

Though video games may have even began in Universities, so they've had a foot in the door from the start, the sheer scale of difference between analog and digital RPGs is astounding. Paper RPGs don't even have any real experts, and most games are built by small teams running about ass-first, with an emphasis on marketting strategies being the major deciding factor in the success of a game.

D&D in a Greek setting
I've wanted to change my D&D setting to something not medieval central Europe and
after some decision making I decided on ancient Greece. It's already lends itself
easily for a fantasy setting. Plenty of stories and heroes to draws from but the main
problem I encountered was how to make it not just D&D with a coat of Greek paint.
What makes a Greek setting well Greek. So I set about thinking about it and came up wiht a
few points.

>Gods and humans
In Greek myth the gods regularly interact with humanity, mostly to fuck with them but
It's a very effective way to start a quest. Often times the gods will dole out some
Quest or will have to do something to appease the gods and quell their anger, or
Even kill some monster that the gods made by having sex with some weird animal
or mythical creature.

>Magical items
D&D already has magical items but the main difference I feel is that these items are
extremely special and are often used for specific purposes. The head of medusa,
the golden fleece, Hermes winged shoes, bag of wind, mirrored shield etc, etc.
A good part of the quest is simply getting these items to get past a certain part.

>fate and prophecies
Prophecies are a common troupe in Greek myth but I didn't know how to incorporate this
into the game. But then I thought that I could give each player a prophecy that
prescribe some terrible fate if they don't meet certain conditions by the end of the
Campaign. You can make even make them somewhat vague so they have to connect the dots
and figure it out or find clues giving more details on what they need to do.

That's all i have for now I'll keep working on it until I think it's done.
What do you guys think? Is there any other way to make my setting more like the Greek
myths of old.

/SWG/Star Wars General
Wholesome party edition

Previous thread: >>82374084

A thread for discussing the 'Star Wars' franchise and its various gaming adaptations.

Fantasy Flight Games' X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

Old links

Latest FFG news:


Latest Edge news:

Tell some whole stories involving your group, or your party, anons. Pic sort of related.

Napoleonic Fantasy Worldbuilding Thread
Attack of the Virulean Guards
I'm brainstorming some fantasy races for a Napoleonic era world, and figured I'd make a thread about them.


The most industrial and least magical. They rely on technological achievement, new ideas, and a general sense of imperialism in order to get ahead in the world. It was they who introduced black powder and the modern army, ending the era of feudalism in the old order. Some human nations have vast amounts of wealth in trade and industry, and use that to leverage security. Other states have less to offer, and rely on a large, well drilled military to stave off it's many rivals. Mages are generally rare, maybe one in a thousand born to a human. Their treatment varies from region to region, but they are generally looked down on with suspicion to do ignorance and or fear of the unknown. They are generally tracked down and put into private educations, and then public service, either in the military, or a civil servant, serving as researchers, court mages, and in some cases, powering the arcane locomotive engines which help fuel the wealthier nations economies.

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Black Leaf
Did Jack Chick and his seminal D&D work "Dark Dunegons" foretell the popularity of the Isekai genre
battlemat autism
I've got a bit of an issue. I'm working on the final dungeon for my D&D campaign, and over the years I've begun to find it easier to mold my dungeons to the 24x36 square battlemats I have so that I can easily draw out these rooms without them going off the edge of the mat. So for large dungeons I have to split them up. I'm doing a fortress which is gonna be split into 9 sections, because with 4 the center (which contains le epic BBEG) will be in the middle of the four corners. Yes I could redraw it, I know there are probably smarter ways to do this but I like to compartmentalize. But the problem is, they are rectangular battlemaps so my square fortress isn't gonna work in a 3x3 thing unless I really stretch it. I basically draw 36x24 outlines onto my graph paper then draw within those. I'm not sure what else to do because no matter what I do it feels constrained, even if I just draw free hand I start getting anxiety about how I will draw it out when the time comes. Yes yes I get it battlemats are cancer. Yes I've tried not playing D&D.
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Realistically how could fighters ever compete with casters? Swinging a sword can never reach the heights of power that magic can.
Clacky Rocks
Is this the right board to talk about clacky rocks?
No title
Be honest: how many RPG books have you downloaded (or, heavens forbid, bought) and then never used anything from? How many have you never even finished reading?
Legend of the 5 Rings
I've been playing a lot of Shogun 2 (and thinking about giving Sengoku Rance another go since I hear it's got a proper english release) and it's tickled my inner weeb quite a bit and got me interested in the Legend of the Five Rings RPG. Is it any good? I've heard about how fifth edition has a ton of Fantasy Flight Fuckery(tm) but at the same time are prior editions worth looking at?

Anyway discuss L5R, mostly the RPG rather than the card game because I couldn't give two halves of a shit about that.

Character Art Thread
EWNOfcpU4AEj63O-orig yy female hobbit wizard midlands rhosgobel
Previous thread: >>82389934

Currently taking requests for the next few hours.

Please remember these threads are to share images that DMs/players would conceivably use in their games. Please keep image quality to 7/10 or higher. DeviantArt-tier art isn't useful to anyone, and there are other boards for waifu/coomershit.

Some other resources:
-- wizardbooru: https://wiz.booru.org/index.php
-- /tg/booru: https://grognard.booru.org/index.php
-- Creative Uncut: https://www.creativeuncut.com/game-art-galleries.html
-- Scryfall advanced search (search by class in type line, or relevant keywords in card name): https://scryfall.com/advanced

Good halfling/gnome art is hard to come by so I'll dump some of that for now.

/dmg/ DM design general #2
A general for the mechanical, session by session design dm's work through.

>Do you have a favorite type of creature to use? Why do you like them so much?

I can't get enough of low level undead for gritty combat, and of fae for "weird" stuff.

>What's a creature or encounter that didn't live up to your hopes? Why? How would/did you change it to work better next time?

My players are inconsistent pussies, so most humanoid encounters devolve into fleeing & diplomacy. I try to always make sure humanoid npcs become emotionally driven & have connections so diplomacy is still hard & combat still has consequences.
"Big" monsters I want to use as bosses are also usually boring & just alot of hp & simple high damage abilities. If i'm using a boss I try to add in non damaging contextual abilities, such as movement or environmental changes.

>Show us a creature you have created, or tweaked to make it better

I usually change ghouls to have extra movement speed and tackle ability, &/or a froglike tongue lasso. Makes them much better at locking down/seperating the party during undead group attacks.

>What encounter(s) are you designing now? What's your thought process?
I'm designing a headless horseman fae boss encounter. The idea is to have him as the leader of a fae group centered around the "hunt". The other members have been very easy to design so far, but this guy himself is proving difficult as I don't know much about hunting. I'd like a sense of inevitability & doom. So far i'm thinking the horse breathes magical fog or darkness, he has a cackle, targets are marked so he'll always know where they are, and have some ability to warp his surroundings.
Any ideas?

Previous thread:

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Venez sœurs, nous brûlerons aujourd'hui les ennemis de l'Empereur!
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data-3 (3)
what kind of job can dragons do? I refuse to believe that they amass gold coins by just doing nothing aside from torching shit
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How do you tell if a game is actually fun or just nu-fun?
Pax Cybertronia Thread
Alright lads, up off your arses. I know you've been gorging yourself on thanksgiving leftovers if you're American and I know a lot of you probably don't care about one man's autistic dedication to his vision of a good Transformers TTRPG, but remaking the example character has shown me some things that I really need help with from others. /TG/ has helped me before, so I'm hoping you can do it again.

What I'm currently in need of help with:
>Robot Mode Mods
Not enough of them in the core book. Yes, there's a template but I'd like to include more variety in the base book. If anyone can dredge up something that isn't covered by one of the Purposes and send it my way that'd be great.
>Non-Beast Alternate Mode Mods
I have so many fucking Beast Mode mods because hey - that's the part of the franchise that was my childhood (even the garbage that was Beast Machines) - but I'm... not really a car guy. Or a boat guy. Or a plane guy. I need some /o/ faggotry to really give the non-animal modes more options to play with.
>General language help/spotting outdated text
I recently tweaked Skill Checks. They are no longer fixed, but are now just 2d10 + [Stat] based on what's being attempted, and bonuses are given on a situational basis (which generally means more uses for purpose abilities, which IMO is good). If you spot anything that mentions a specific Skill, give me a holler with a note in the doc.

I know /tg/ looks like it's gone down the shitter but I want to believe that there's still some of you out there willing to crack your knuckles and lend a hand.

No title
Am I the only one who finds it annoying when games combine several different types of mechanics for influencing dice roll chances in the same ones? Say, modifiers to the number of dice in a die pool, AND modifiers to the target number; or modifiers to the number rolled on a d20 AND a 5e dis/advantage style "roll another die and pick one", etc.? Wouldn't it be easier to only modify dice rolls in one way?
No title
What stops a necromancer from raising all the skelies from the graveyards in your setting?
Dark Eldar Kabal (And So Much More) Creation Thread 2
Here's the second thread in our Kabal Creation (that spiraled into a bunch of other created factions) endeavor.

Here's the first: >>82269828

Just a quick recap of the various factions involved, for anything more detailed you're going to have to look at the previous thread because frankly we did quite a lot of work on the Kabal and I don't want to take up like 20 posts.

Dark Eldar Kabal (Kabal of the Cloaked Void)
>Kabal's young, their archon is an ambitious and hedonistic former dracon who usurped power. The Kabal itself originated from groups of lowborn deldar defending their territory, and they fucking HATE other eldar, especially craftworld ones (shame at their roots?). They're cultists, practicing weird and esoteric rites, and they're based at the docking spires, their base being haunted but at the very least having an anchorage. They specialize in capture tactics and yet use splinter weapons, and despite hating other eldar, they work with the Ynnari. They're at odds with a guard regiment. Also have a red thirst/black rage blood angel primaris as a slave/pet. ...I swear it makes sense in context.

Imperial Guard Regiment
>Warrior Priests in a Penal Legion from an Ice Agriworld that ride enormous beasts into battle. They're cavalry and are used for shock and awe. They have some weird preferred fighting style, probably a holy thing considering they're priests. Incredibly fucking obscure and also fanatically devoted to the emperor. Their enemy is of course the aforementioned Kabal, but they're allied with an imperial navy group.

/GURPSgen/ GURPS General
GURPS General Retro
Previous thread >>82263451

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles with level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, even switching genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.

If you're wondering where to start:
The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial > GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
How To be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character builder software with page references to all the books.

Thread Question: How many points do you usually spend on 'flavour' traits which you don't expect to use in advent84r0yures?

No title
>GM tells me he's been recording all our group's discord sessions because he likes to listen to them
What,to you, is a Space Marine?
We all know that a sad trend towards sychophantictly licking up whatever GW throw our way is one of the things that keeps 40k, by and large, pretty shit.
Any creative adult using the 40k universe should be able to take what themes and ideas they like, and use that in their games, modelling, setting etc.
With this in mind, what is a Space Marine to you?
Schlocky astro hero? Godlike warrior? DOOM man space fascist? Camp idea to be silly with? Shiny cool borderline Mecha?
Until we all start treating 40k like a recipe book of ideas and themes, not a shitty finished meal, its always going to be a bit shit, and its only going to get worse.
No title
ITT we discuss what sources portrayed fantasy concepts the best and determine what they did that made them do these concepts the best.

Barbarians - Conan the Barbarian
Dragons - The Hobbit (1937)
Witches - Hansel and Gretel
Trolls - Beowulf
Pirates - Treasure Island (1881 )
Werewolves - The Werewolf of Paris (1933)
Vampires - Dracula (1897)
Ogres - Hop-o'-My-Thumb
Genies - Aladdin (One Thousand and One Nights )
Mermaids - The Little Mermaid (1837 )

No title
I had this idea floating around for a year, but I need help fleshing it out. The Idea is that setting of the campaign is stuck in medieval stasis, with the cause and main antagonist being a scattered group of atropal, stillborn gods. Each has an anti-domain, a domain that it would have become god of if it had been born, but now their entropic powers degrade that domain by their very existence. As such they apply a backward pressure on technology that opposes innovation by causing things to break down faster, such that tech is lost at the same rate as it is discovered. The only one I have a name for is Lymerial the Scroll Burner, bane of written records, who's mere existence causes books to degrade and become lost at a accelerated rate. Any other Ideas would be appreciated.
Infinity General - LoL hunting? Good luck, I'm behind seven Proxies edition.
Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game by Corvus Belli where my 2022 New Year resolution is to go to a tournament with a courtesy list of 9-15 models of Saladin, O-12 Liaison Officer.

>All the rules are for free. Buying books is only relevant for fluff:

>General FAQs (read this if you want to try this game):

>Rundown (game and factions):

>Semi-unofficial catalogue of fluff, dossiers, and unit models:

>Unit Dossiers Archive:

>Rules Wiki:

>Rules for Infinity N4 (main game) and Infinity CodeOne (for beginners):

>Official Army Builders:

>Terrain 101 (new and improved!):

>Hacking Helper:

>Released RPG books (+ a couple of rulebook scans):

>Comlog, missions app:

>Missions and rules:

Previous thread:

Poker itself is not rigged but licensed sites still find a way to rig things
I don't think that Malta licensed sites would risk losing their licenses over rigged deck

However, the 3-person Lotto Sit and Go tournament the raffle part is definitely rigged. If you have deposited last it is far more likely to give you 10x or 5x. If you withdraw you don't hit any of the multipliers for awhile.

Also all the other raffles outside of poker. Try losing half your bankroll anytime you are at PokerStars and entering their "ticket machine" raffle that is apparently "random" while they don't show it being drawn. I can basically guarantee your victory, if you however have had success or played evenly then I can guarantee your loss.

License or not, on the things that don't have data or way to proof that they are rigging you they will rig you hard.

Source: https://thread-puller.party/tg

Posted by: kendallkendallrennekere0303061.blogspot.com